Nov 10, 2010

Niels Bohr

What was his nationality? 

When did he live?  
October 7, 1885 (in Copenhagen) - November 18, 1962 (in Copenhagen)

What was going on in the world around him?
The two great wars, one as a young man and the other in his more mature years.

What was going on in the scientific community?
  • Einstein's breakthrough, setting the picture for new (modern) Physics.
  • People were learning more and more about particles.
  • Bohr helped developing the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project, among with a number of other famous physicists.

What was Bohr famous for?
  • Bohr conceived the principle of complementarity: that items could be separately analyzed as having several contradictory properties. 
  • Investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them 
  • Bohr introduced the idea that an electron could drop from a higher-energy orbit to a lower one, emitting a photon (light quantum) of discrete energy. This became a basis for quantum theory

What is his cultural and scientific legacy? 

by Aidin Khalili

Great researchers

ISB Students Promita Chatterjee, Aidin Khalili, Bilal Meyer-Heder and Maximilian Benter have been researching and presenting the careers and achievements of some of the greatest physicists in history. Their findings will be presented and updated on this pages for the weeks and months to come. All of them are members of the class of 2011 in the International School of Bremen and are concluding their IB Physics course at that school.
Hopefully you can enjoy the short resumés and even add an information, curiosity or question in the comment section of each great physicist.